martes, 23 de octubre de 2007

Welcome New Teachers!!!

The Staff of The Language Program wants to welcome to the group of new English teachers incorporated to the English and Portuguese Program. We are sure the job you will do in the following months will be great and owesome. We want to wish you the best in this new stage of your life and we believe in and trust you.
We are ready to give you all the help you need whenever it is required. Just contact your coordinator and he or she will give you a hand. And remember teach with your heart..... our kids deserve it!
Prof. Alba Oñate
Educative Programs Chief.
Secretary of Education

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2007

A New Language In Our Program!!!

Excellent news!!!
In this school year, some schools of our state will start the Program of Portuguese. Yes... As you read it!!! Some schools of Bejuma and Valencia will have this Program. We are glad of giving you this owesome information. We expect to expand this program to every single school of Carabobo state as soon as possible but as you know sometimes it´s difficult to find the qualified teachers;however, we hope to find them for the near future and every child will speak... English and Portuguese!!!
All for our kids!!!
Lic. Alba Oñate
Jefatura de Programas Educativos

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2007

New School Year!!!

Hello to everyone!!!
On september 17th, 2007 we started our new school year!!! The staff of the Programa of Idiomas wants to give you a great welcome hoping that you achieve all the goals you have planned for your kids in each school of this beautiful state. We are working hard in making the new Syllabus oriented to guide you to do a better work. We are planning everything so that you can get all the information needed when doing a class. As soon as we finish everything, all the material will be sent to you through an e-mail or your coordinator.
Thanks again and we wish you the best!!
The Programa de Idiomas staff.